

Digital Print -C- Print & Diasec

7.500,00 + VERGİLER

Digital Print
64961px x 3543px,
3 pieces 4/5 + 1 AP
Graphic Notation and Composition.
The roots of SYN-Phon stem from the residency program Candaş Şişman attended at the Budapest Art Factory (BAF) throughout June 2013. During this residency, Candaş Şişman performed the graphic notation he devised—inspired by the space and time he experienced in Budapest—together with musicians Barabás Lőrinc and Ölve-Mátyás.

Candaş Şişman’s work focuses on the limits and possibilities of the language that frames our conceptual way of thinking, exploring thresholds between sound, word, and visual image. The artist employs graphic notation to establish a personal language that relies on experiencing the visual and the auditory in parallel within a spatial context. He creates a sensory experience aimed at liberating and diversifying forms of interpersonal communication. Candaş Şişman brings together musicians from different geographies—composers freely drawing inspiration—to join the quest for a new or translingual mode of communication.

SYN-Phon transforms the physical and acoustic qualities of space into a subjective language composed of shapes and forms. The texture and structure of the space resonate in this graphical notation. Each shape signifies a spatial input and its corresponding sound. This approach transcends the limits of spatial perception and merges sound with the visual, offering a new form of expression. Different musicians’ interpretations add new meanings to SYN-Phon and reshape its language with every performance. This process demonstrates that the work is a continuously evolving generative system rather than a fixed structure. In this graphic language that unites space, sound, and the visual, each performance adds new layers through the musicians’ subjective readings, continually redefining itself.


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