Video Enstalasyonu, 4K Üç Kanallı Dijital Video Animasyon Döngüleri
€9.000,00 + VERGİLER
6912×4094 px.
Gürkan Maruf Mıhçı reimagines Hieronymus Bosch’s *The Garden of Earthly Delights* triptych through the lens of artificial intelligence and science fiction. He employs AI tools to create a futuristic animated version of the artwork. The left panel (the Garden of Eden) and the right panel (Hell) depict the end of the world. His imagined world is earthly, but what if we extend his concept to the galaxy? The central panel showcases a landscape filled with fantastical creatures and human figures. However, how can we scientifically envision the end of the world alongside a landscape of imaginary futuristic galactic realms? How can we represent these concepts using technology such as animated computer-generated loops, AI-generated content, and 3D/2D visualizations?
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